Gallery Rules


Please use the Spam chat if you want to talk innapropriately or spam. Be as rude as u like, bash people evilly behind their backs!!Only plz don't insult in front.

Otherwise, use the Welcome chat to talk about general topics randomly... if u don't know the meaning of some chat abbreviations go to the help chat to ask.

Sry, the Staff chat is only for Fade members, mods and admins that I know in real life. If you ask to be a Fade member I will give you punishment 10. Please use your common sense in which chat topic to use. If you disobey the rules you will be given a verbal warning or punished severly with the punishment Fade members choose.

Our site is completely free, but you must use the right chat room to be free.

The ARTS!!!!
Here are the directions and forms you need to fill out in order to submit a piece of art:

1. Turn your artwork in to a computerized form.
2. Fill out this form
Adult content: (yes or no)
Picture of a:
Display Name:(real of fake)

3. Email this form to me @:[email protected]